Sunday, September 13, 2020

Traffic in a Blogpost

I Need a Favor-- from YOU!

This post is to see what kind of traffic I get on my blog. I'm not going to advertise this on any site (facebook, twitter, etc).

Please comment how you came upon my blog- what site and what specifically you were looking for. I would greatly appreciate it.

And, if you have a moment, please comment any feedback you may have about my blog. 

Thanks so much!


  1. I read every post of yours on a news reader called Feedly. You've been in my reader for a long time!

  2. I happened to see your question on We Are Genealogy Bloggers FB page and clicked through.
    One comment I have is that old eyes have trouble seeing tiny print. When I get to a blog or website that has tiny or light-colored print I move on.

  3. I originally saw your blog when you shared about the grave in the middle of the road in Johnson County, Indiana, which is the county where I live. :) And then, through the Genealogy Squad FB group (which is where I saw the post mentioned above), we discovered that you and my husband are very distant Mendenhall cousins!
